Monday, October 03, 2005

Another Season Ends

The House is now closed for public tours and thoughts turn to the end of October. Fake cobwebs will soon be put up; real cobwebs will be left up, and preparations are underway for Halloween. What ghoulish suprises will await visitors to Tredegar this year? More to the point what situations will the staff find themselves in? My roles in the past have included Dr Jekyll, a vicar at a vampire wedding, Professor Van Helsing (complete with 'interesting' Dutch accent), Dennis Samosa (a dodgy medium, complete with rather erratic scouse accent) and the Witchfinder General (my accent for this was perfect, but nobody has been able to ascertain exactly what accent it was supposed to be. I like to leave a certain mystery about my performances, it covers up for a spectacular lack of acting talent).

In other news:

The Edney Gates gilding process continues. The gates are currently covered with blue tarpaulin to protect the work from the elements.

A 17th century themed wedding took place at Tredegar House on Saturday afternoon. Practically every guest was attired in costume from the civil war period. Most were cavaliers, but, as I was told by one man brandishing a particularly sharp looking sword and a suspicious countenance, a few parliamentarians had sneaked in, too. The bride and groom were given a guard of honour of raised swords as they left the House.

The 'History of the Morgans' series will continue tomorrow, with the third instalment: Ifor Hael.

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