Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tredegar House Halloween 2010

It's that time again. The fake cobwebs go up (which can be very confusing for the housekeeper) and the doors to Wales' finest 17th century house are thrown open to celebrate that dark, murky, time of year, Halloween.

Expect vampires ('sparkly' ones), werewolves, insane clowns, a not altogether stable butcher, the faint hum of a chainsaw or two, and much more.....

Did you survive Halloween at Tredegar House? Comments and feedback always welcome.


Anonymous said...

Good fun! i was chased by a clown, a vampire and a nut with a chainsaw, all in one night!

Anonymous said...

hahaha i got chased by a man wif a chainsaw i got water frown ova me ,i got tapped on the shoulder by the ghost lmaoo sikk night tbh xx

Tim said...

I enjoyed it. The highlight apart from the chainsaws was the Van Helsing bit.

It's made it to YouTube

Terror at Tredegar House said...

Terror at Tredegar House sketch is on Youtube at the above link

Anonymous said...

Me fave bit was when I entered a room on my own- there was a little girl in there, crying and sobbing: she had blood smeared around her neck and was shivering. She said that I had to stay with her because a "bad man was coming", then she started screaming! I legged it! Very chilling!!!

Casey said...

wow, i love zen design but sometimes whoudl want to see those that vampires have looks likes we will need some Anti Bacterial/Anti Biotic
living in that house.

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Unknown said...

Hello Good Sir,

I have recently been researching my ancestry and only last night discovered that my 10th great grandfather was Sir William Morgan. I also came across an article regarding the Tredegar house being my ancestors and thus found my way to your blog. Thanks for all of your information and I must now plan a visit to the house. Have had a great time researching and what a gem to discover such a place.

Russ Morgan
Chicago IL

Anonymous said...

What a shame this blog isn't updated. I hope you will be writing about the ermine worms.

arrielle_p said...

I think that is a totally a lot of fun!

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Anonymous said...

hi i want to know if like a werewolf cath you will they hurt you?

Marcia Widlund said...

I have also been tracing my family roots and have discovered I am a descendant of Lord Tredegar! Wow maybe we're related Russ Morgan!

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